Last Updated: 17/12/2019

As much as I like to publicise when a company does screw up really badly, I believe that it is also important to praise the person working for a company, when they do get out of their way to give you the real service long forgotten..

So here it is. I wanted to thank you Jhoana Ang for remind me that there are good people out there believing that it is still worth doing their best while doing their job!

The other day, I received my monthly bill and for the second time since I re-join Optus, it was more than double the usual. The first time they gave me a full refund as it was really their fault, allowing US based company without my knowledge, to charge my number for playing games online. As it turned out, I wasn’t alone in the game and other thousands of Optus customer had already complained and reported the frode/fraud to the Ombudsmen.

After mentioning my awareness of the already listed complain, it only took 5 minutes to get a full credit into my account. Based on this previous experience, I called Optus yesterday to see if even this time we could clear the problem up. I was ready for a new battle.. Here was my first huge surprise. They answered my call instantly. Yes, that’s right. I didn’t have to listen to any crappy, full volume, distorted music. 😎

I laughed immediately and told her of the shock I was experiencing. Then a second huge surprise kicked in. I could clearly understand every single word she was saying. To be honest, by now, I was looking at my phone, just to be sure I did dial the right number..

I was just such a different experience, from all the other hundreds previously experienced calls to a phone company to complain, that I just simply couldn’t believe it. Have I moved to another planet without realising it? It gets better..

I asked why my bill was more than double the usual, and she only asked me to confirm my full name. No birthday, address, phone number, account number, password, mother’s name, football team, pets, names.. None of that crap! Just my name.. It felt great! It had to be a dream..

She gently asked me to hold while she was pulling my account up on her screen and again within 3 second she told me that on the 29th of the previous month there was a massive data charge of more than 20 GB. Upon checking and comparing on my system the data transmitted on that day, we both realised that something wasn’t right. She asked me to wait again as she could check where this data came from and again within seconds she confirmed it was from Microsoft.

Somehow Windows 10 decided to update everything at once and more than once. I remember clicking on yes in a popover box, I just didn’t think it was going to use that much data. I did tell the lady that it was possibly my fault and then is when I nearly fell off my chair..

She asked me to hold the line to see if it was anything she could do as she clearly understood that while my fault, I also had no much control on what my system was doing as it clearly tells you not to turn the computer on while updating..

Jhoana came back and her words were:

Because you really had no control once the system update did start, we will only charge you an extra $20 dollars difference from the usual instead of the extra $75 dollars. Also, to reward your customer loyalty I just check and I can double your data allowance from today for the same money and with no locking contract..

Would this please you?

I was really confused, so I don’t really remember the exact words, but I think I said something like “I love you”..

But I do remember tell her that this was my best experience, (well actually first and only as I had nothing even closer to compare it with), I had on the phone with a company for the past 30 years. I also told her that the least I could do, was to write about it, as we need more people like Jhoana in these jobs!

Thank you Jhoana for the wonderful experience in dealing with my problem.