Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 50
What a way to celebrate the 50th Gigi's Log book... While travelling around a bit more than usual, a few new little issues (and a big one) did show up on the radar.. The first one was that the [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 49
As I couldn't find an available spot to do my annual inspection to get the COI, anywhere in QLD but Toowoomba, (why make it compulsory and then negate the customers the chance to apply for an inspection locally even [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 48
The main picture is for Spiro to show him my flag.. But to tell the truth, most nomads have flags on their vehicle in one form or another, so I'm not alone in this.. A post in Gigi Logbook [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 47
Not much driving lately, so plenty of time to slightly make adjustment and improvement to an already near perfect home... Truth is, even in small scale, a home is never finish... Having being surrounded by other people living on [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 46
G'day... Where the hell have you been, are heard you asking? Well, I would like to tell you that everything it is going to plan, but who am I kidding... There have been some obstacle lately, some small enough [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 45
Here we are, to the last chapter of Gigi's Log Book.. In all honesty the past 2 months have been more about cleaning, dumping and cooking, than working on Gigi. Still, there were few jobs left to do and [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 44
The month of December really did slip through my fingers.. Possibly due to having too much going on, and at the same time, my health playing up again, to the point that I did find some happiness into thinking [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 43
Here it comes, the penultimate instalment of these three years, Log Book. I didn't really think it was going to take this long, but to be fair, I didn't really work 24/7 on this project alone either. If I [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 42
Now that I see the number plates every morning, I just can't wait to get back out on the road.. This has made me work a bit faster than usual.. Also, the thought of having to work again in [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 41
As it took only two weeks to sort the mechanical and to register Gigi, I'm already back to base, for what it should be the last time as I finalise the few personal matters left and cleaning the site [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 40
While I'm trying to organise the inspection for Gigi to become road legal, it seems that I still have few hurdle to jump before the finish line.. I'm checking everything twice so to avoid having to fail the inspection [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 39
I can't believe the amount of work this month I managed to fit in the last two square metres of Gigi. The floor, the dashboard, the entertainment unit, the large TV, the last electrical panel, the trimming around the [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 38
I'm telling you right now.. Working for yourself is always the best, but sometimes it hits an even higher note! I'm up the ladder, working with beautiful plywood creating something, on a gorgeous Australian winter day, while in the [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 37
Another month has pass but I can clearly see the finish line now! Since the dining table was complete and installed, Gigi has formally reached the stage where it can be truly called a Motorhome. The table is made [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 36
To all those religious suckers... Happy Easter 😁. For the rest of us, enjoy your very Long Weekend.. March, gave me my mojo back. Getting on a diet was probably the best decision ever made this year, [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 35
February has passed, but it will be a month hard to forget... Still, life goes on and I must look forward to find the lost mojo needed to get to the finish line. Being stuck in bed for the largest [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 34
Surprise, surprise... After two month of extreme heatwave and devastating fires, what do we get? We get flooded! Not as bad as the 2011 flood, yet, but enough to create damage and disruption to an already battered country. At [...]
Gigi’s Log Book Chapter – 33
Wow... What a month this it has been.. I wish Gigi was already complete, so that I could go down south and lend a hand to help the people rebuilding their homes and their lives. We had several fires [...]