I have been looking around for ages now, and I still haven’t found anything even remote to what I would like to see happening or being part of..

What am I talking about? I’m talking about a Rally of Large Motorhome based on Buses and truck conversion! I can see that there are other rallies mostly organised by large companies like CMCA or other clubs. But that’s not what I’m talking about.. I don’t want a rally where everything is based on rules, gates and fees. I would like to participate or organise a rally more in line with what I was able to find online in the EU or the US..

Perhaps a video would describe better what I’m talking about..

This above is just one of the hundreds of videos that you can find online. Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem what so ever with caravan or 5th wheeler. It is just that I would like to see more “independent” rallies and people with a similar situation to mine..

Here is an aerial picture of another famous one in Arizona.. Ok, the two locations are probably at the opposite end of the scale, but they do, however, have one thing in common.. They are not about supporting a club or a large company making money. They are not about having food, water and entertainment provided to you for your comfort.. They are rallies about people that do enjoy the simple things and no bull!

No membership required! WYSIWYG! Is that too much to ask? No water, no electricity, no toilets, nothing.. Just your vehicle and yourself and plenty of space to be yourself..

If you do know or are aware of similar rallies already happening here in Australia, please be kind and leave a comment below with some details, so that other people like myself can learn about it, and be part of the experience..

Like I said in the beginning, I have been looking for sometime now and other that the usual Club’s rallies I didn’t see much else in the arena.. I have previously written an article questioning why I don’t see young Australian’s nomad often on the road, and while that subject is slight different from this one, perhaps the reason for not finding these kind of rallies in Australia is the same.. Funnily enough, I’m aware and have being part of similar rallies held in different remote locations all year around for people on motorcycle..

So this is what I would like to propose: A rally in 2021 sometime in July on a remote area for people with Big RV Motorhome converted buses and trucks (as per title) but also, anybody else that wants to try something different from the usual Club Rally..

The date and location are open to suggestions and if possible it would be nice to keep the entire operation as simple as possible.. Hopefully by July 2021 all borders will be open (not just temporarily) for good, and it would be great if this kind of rally would really happen..

With nearly 200,000 visit on this site just in the past 2 years surely there is someone out there, that may want to try something similar. To get the ball rolling, it would be nice if everybody could come up with ideas and suggestions to make this happen.. Keep an eye on the calendar or in the forum for any updated on this…